Thursday, January 07, 2010

How Phone Sex can help you with your New Years resolutions

According to the wire services the top 10 New Years resolutions made this year center around:

Losing Weight
Living a healthier lifestyle
Saving Money
Enjoy Life More
Learn or try something new
Spend more time for family and friends is a site devoted to helping you map out a plan to help you achieve your new years resolutions by using phone sex.

Here is how Phone sex can help:

Lose weight –
Phone Sex and Masturbation:
You don’t have to have a physical partner to enjoy the calorie-burning effects of sex. Masturbation during phone sex can burn up the calories, as well. You can lose between 100-150 calories for each act of masturbation, according to the Young People’s Reproductive and Sexual Health & Rights Organization. Also check out Dr. Shukan Tokuho’s Masturbation Diet - No joke – you can trim 8 centimeters off the waist if performed twice a day for a month, as part of a calorie controlled diet. Click on these links to read more about Dr. Shukan Tokuho’s Masturbation Diet: or Dr. Hideo Yamanaka's masturbation diet at also check out Click here for the Maturbation Diet Song - Read about burning calories by masturbating at and at It's for real don't believe me search the intenet yourself.

Living a healthier lifestyle –

Masturbation cuts prostate cancer risk! Men could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer through regular masturbation, researchers suggest. Australian researchers questioned over 1,000 men who had developed prostate cancer and 1,250 who had not about their sexual habits. They found those who had ejaculated the most between the ages of 20 and 50 were the least likely to develop the cancer. The protective effect was greatest while the men were in their 20s. Men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer later in life. And they say sexual intercourse may not have the same protective effect because of the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, which could increase men's cancer risk. Click here to read the full article at the BBC News - and at 4 Men Health - -
Saving Money –
Ok so you are wondering how phone sex is going to save you money. We have already determined that for a man to stay health he should ejaculate 5 times a week and to lose weight under the masturbation diet you should masturbate twice a day. As most men will tell you that without the aid of some out side stimuli self masturbation is not pleasing and if doing it solely for the sake of losing weight and staying healthy it nothing more than another dreaded exercise. Most men find Porn Magazines, DVD/Videos and web sites full of pleasing and exciting out side stimuli that turn what could be just another dreaded exercise into a very pleasurable physical and mental enhancing experience. The major problem with these forms of out side stimuli is that they are not only inconvenient but also hard to hide. Now consider phone sex! With the aid of a cell phone that exciting outside stimuli is just a phone call away. Any time, any place! Not only is it convenient, the variety of available talent and subject mater is inexhaustible. Sites like and make searching for some ideal stimuli quick and easy. So just how does phone sex help save you money? Well add up the cost of some porn magazines, DVD/Videos and Porn site memberships. Now multiple that by the different types of sexual content you like. Now consider the intangible cost of purchasing and hiding this material and the cost of getting caught with it. Enough said. The average cost of a phone sex call is $1.99 per minute with most charging a 10 minute minimum. That $19.90 per session that will not only help you lose weight, help you fight prostate cancer but also keep your mind clear, your mood high and your out look on life positive! Most phone sex providers offer special deals and bulk rates. Simply ask or check out sites like

Enjoy Life More -
When men are asked what things in their life could be improved that would allow them to enjoy life more one of the top ten answers revolves around sex. They want more or better quality or more variety or all of the above. Face it if you are married or have a girl friend and you have this desire to experience something new and maybe a little taboo what are the odds that you are going to be able to ask and receive? Phone Sex to the rescue! 90% of the time this little desire of yours is just a passing thing. Something to be explored and enjoyed but soon to fade on to something else or maybe not. But before you jump in with both feet and jeopardize your physical relationship try it out virtually via phone sex. You may find that what you though was what you wanted wasn’t it at all. And if you do your phone sex provider can help you explore and enjoy it and when the time is right can even advise you on how to approach your wife or girl friend. See phone sex can help you get more out of life and improve your sex life.

Learn or try something new -
Always in the top 10 new years resolutions is “ Learn or try something new” – There are hundreds or phone sex providers and thousands of sexual fantasies to explore and enjoy. Need I say more.
Spend more time for family and friends -
When asked about time most people feel as if they just don’t have enough. With all that has to be done there just isn’t enough to go around. So how can phone sex help you find the time to for you to spend more time with family and friends? 99% of all phone sex calls are less than 10 minutes long. Now think about the last time you pulled out a porn magazine or watched a porn DVD/Video or visited your favorite porn web site. Just how much time did you spend looking before you finished masturbating. Surveys tell us about 45 minutes on the average. So for every masturbation session you can save 35 minutes that can be better spent with family and friends.

So there you have it. How phone sex can help you achieve those new year resolutions of losing weight, living a healthy lifestyle, saving money, enjoy life more, to try something new and, have more time to spend with family and friends.

Be sure to also check out
A Phone Sex New Years Poem